
Recovering Evangelical

I have a friend, Chris, and he's amazing. You may have caught him on Fox News? Oh...you missed it? Never fear, I have a copy of it for you right here:

Chris has a gift of being able to articulately communicate what so many from my generation (and I believe even the generations above me) are feeling but don't know how to express.

I voted for Obama in this last election - and took A LOT of grief for it. Those I took the most grief from were persons who unabashedly admitted they were two-issue voters. For them moral values didn't stem much further (at least when it came to election) than abortion and gay marriage. I just wasn't satisfied with that. Although to many who have known me for my whole life I might be seen as swinging way to the left, becoming liberal or letting go of my roots - I see it as expanding my perspective of what it truly means to follow Christ. As Chris so delicately put it:
"We are pro life, but for us that definition is far broader than abortion. It includes poverty, AIDS, human trafficking and the war in Iraq."
I encourage you to check out the new website he created - the virtual community of those he has titled "Recovering Evangelicals." Those who are tired of the old ways of traditionally viewing things and are looking for a new standard and a broader scope of what it might mean to be a missional follower of Christ. Come check it out and join in the conversation!


Papa Giorgio said...


I have not been accepted (my application is still pending) after I joined up right after that broadcast. I guess only moderates are allowed, not current evangelicals - only recovering ones.


WanderingellimaC said...

haah! i doubt that. i think they are just swamped with interest after the broadcast. we need current evangelicals to keep the conversation current.

...any day now.

Anonymous said...

Nice, Chris. Way to go!

Probably not a chance for me to get in but we will see after the current "swamped" status dies down...

Rachelle said...

I loved hearing what Chris had to say. Jesse and I have been dealing with these issues on the East Coast for years and have not been received very well by our peers who are the 2 issue voters. Just wanted to let you know, I was encouraged.

Dash said...

fantastic perspective! pro-life being so much more than abortion - I shall have to mention that to a few people!