
August 24...food!

Ipp and I had an Anthony Bourdain marathon tonight. So much good food! So many exciting places! Makes me want to travel.

We knew we'd get inspired (and hungry!) so we decided to cook up a bunch of fun appetizers to snack on.

One of the things we made was brioche! with goat cheese, honey and figs. We got the recipe from Lizzo and Robert.  Totally easy and delicious.


August 13th - party time!

what a FUN NIGHT celebrating Robin and Ben turning 30! so many fun jokes and roasts and toasts and talents. i could not imagine living in a more encouraging, fun, talented and hilarious community. what a great time to be alive...


August 4th...bone marrow

I went on a date tonight with a guy I met online.  Really nice...SUPER intense...kinda weird.
He ordered bone marrow as part of our dinner ...bizarreness.  I still can't decide if I like it or not.